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When chiropractic manipulation was compared to amitriptyline (a common headache medication), it was found that after four weeks of treatment, the chiropractic patients had a 42% reduction in migraine pain versus only 24% for the amitriptyline group

  • Nelson CF, Bronfort G, et al. The efficacy of spinal manipulation, amitriptyline and the combination of both therapies for the prophylaxis of migraine headache. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 21(8):511-519, 1998.

Another study showed that with chiropratic manipulation, the mean number of migraines per month dropped from 7.6 to 4.1 - and this in patients who, at the study's beginning, had experienced migraine pain for an average of 18.1 YEARS. 

  • Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulation therapy for migraine. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 23(2):91-95, 2000.

In an influential study conducted at the Duke University Evidence-based Practice Center, it was revealed that chiropractic treatments reduced headache frequency by 69% and severity by 36% compared to soft-tissue therapies.

  • McCrory DC, Penzien DB, et al. Behavioral and physical treatments for tension-type and cervicogenic headache. Duke University Evidence-based Practice Center, 2001.

In his summary of a Cochrane Collaboration systematic review by Bronfort, Nilsson, and Evans, Grunnet-Nilsson stated the following: "For practitioners of spinal manipulation and exercise therapy, this means that they are the only practitioners who can deal with cervicogenic headache on the basis of scientific evidence (p. 76).  He said this after finding that chiropractors can successfully reduce the number of migraine attacks by 40% after 8 weeks and 14 treatment sessions. 

  • Grunnet-Nilsson N. The effectiveness of cervical adjustment for pain referred to the head and upper extremities. Conference Proceedings. World Federation of Chiropractic, 7th Biennial Congress, 2003.
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